Some specific indications, where KETAFLAM is recommended are:
Cattle, Buffaloes, Camels, Sheep and Goats:
Reducing the Pyrexia and Distress associated with bacterial and viral diseases; along with antimicrobial therapy, as and when appropriate; optimizing the recovery rate in clinical and sub- clinical Mastitis, in conjunction with antimicrobial therapy; reducing Edema of the udder associated with calving; supportive treatment of Milk Fever associated with calving; lameness of traumatic origin, osteitis, arthrosis, arthritis, tendinitis, laminitis, and myositis; post- surgical inflammation.
Alleviation of inflammation and pain associated with musculo-skeletal disorders. It is also indicated for the alleviation of visceral pain associated with Colic; reducing Pyrexia and Distress associated with bacterial and viral diseases; along with antimicrobial therapy, as and when appropriate; lameness and trauma related painful conditions, spavin, osteitis, navicular disease, tendinitis, bursitis, laminitis, myositis; post- surgical inflammation
Dogs and cats:
Fever; pain; post- surgical inflammation; arthritis
- Cattle, Buffaloes, Camels, Sheep & Goats:
3mg Ketoprofen per kg bw (1ml Ketaflam per 33 kg
bw), by IM, IV or SC route, once daily for 3 to 5 days - Horses: 2.2 mg Ketoprofen per kg bw (1ml Ketaflam
per 45 kg bw), by IV route, once daily for 3 to 5 days - Dogs & Cats: 2 mg Ketoprofen per kg bw (1ml
Ketaflam / 50 kg bw), by IM, SC or IV route once daily
for 3-5 days
Milk- Nil
Meat- 4 days
50ml, 100 ml