- Cattle, calves, sheep and goat :
Dosage: 240 milligrams of Sulfadimidine sodium per kg of
body weight on the first day and 120 milligrams of Sulfadimidine
sodium per kg of body weight per day on the
second, third, and fourth days of administration.
Administration: In drinking water or as drench
Indications: For treatment of disease caused by organisms
sensitive to Sulfadimidine. Treatment of bacterial pneumonia
and bovine respiratory disease complex (shipping
fever complex), colibacillosis (bacterial scours), necrotic
pododermatitis (foot rot), calf diphtheria, acute mastitis
(Streptococcus sp.), and acute metritis (Streptococcus
sp.). - Chickens:
Dosage: 30 to 190 milligrams of Sulfadimidine sodium per
kg of body weight per day.
Administration: In drinking water
Indications and Usage: For treatment of disease caused
by organisms sensitive to Sulfadimidine; i.e. infectious
coryza- medicate for 2 consecutive days, coccidiosismedicate
for 2 days, then reduce drug concentration to
one-half for 4 additional days, acute fowl cholera, and
pullorum disease- medicate for 6 consecutive days.
- Poultry Meat: 14 days; Cattle Meat; 21 days
Do not medicate chickens producing eggs for human
Do not medicate cattle producing milk for human