Bromodil is a mucolytic expectorant and anti- histaminic agent useful during the treatment of respiratory infections in poultry, and small animals.
Mode of Action:
Bromhexine stimulates bronchial secretion and lowers the viscosity of the bronchial secretion, possibly due to stimulation of the lysosomal enzyme activity. Bromhexine increases the membrane permeability whereby the immunoglobulin level in the bronchial secretion rises.
Chlorpheniramine maleate is a potent anti- histaminic agent that suppresses all allergic reactions affiliated with respiratory infections.
The mint extract accelerates the alveolar and bronchial evacua- tion, and hence ventilates the system effectively.
34 ml of Bromodil /1000 kg live body weight (Bromhexine 0.5 mg/kg bwt , Chlorpheniramine 0.35 mg/kgbwt ) for 2- 3 days until symptoms subside.
Drug Interaction:
Bromodil is compatible with all macrolides, aminoglycosides, Florfenicol and other antimicrobial agents related to respiratory infections.
Withdrawal Period:
Meat: Nil Eggs: Nil
250 ml, 1 liter